Moonfire Faire 2017 (ENG)

Im not overly bothered about the "issue" of "rehashed shisui gear", because after all, im a catboy. Its my god-given duty to bring pleasure to the world by wearing shisui gear in public places.

What makes me angry is the fact they picked the Tank/MNK version of the Shisui leggings as the base model for the Moonfire version. Why not like the NIN version, which is just a plain speedo, which would fit with the Moonfire Faire more since every year its always about summertime and beach type stuff. The NIN speedo would've worked better here as well because one can assume Moonfire Faire will take place at Costa Del Sol again this year, where we now have swimming. Who the hell wants to go swimming in Shisui Fending bottoms, with all that extra material round the leg?

Honestly, all im going to be using this gear for is to colour-match the top to the waistband of the shisui NIN bottoms, and a dyeable variant of the boots will be nice for general glamour, because a lot of the sandal/toeless boots in the game currently are a bit -eh.

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