Dogs, Not Marriage or Kids, Motivate Millennials to Buy Homes

Certain states also have laws making it your right to choose to do so.

Right to be Sterilized

If you are under 18 years of age and not married, you do need your parents' permission before you consent to sterilization. However, even if you are under 18, you do not need your parents' consent to be sterilized if you are any of the following:

married or divorced; on active duty in the United States armed forces; at least 15 years old, live apart from your parents or guardians, and are self-supporting or have received a declaration of emancipation pursuant to section 7210 of the Family Code; and able to understand the content and nature of the surgery. You will be required to wait a minimum of 30 days after you have given informed consent before you can have the medical procedure. (Fam. Code, §§ 6920 and 6922; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, § 70707.1 (a) (4).)

Married women do not need their husbands' permission to consent to being sterilized. (Kritzer v. Citron (1950) 101 Cal.App.2d 33.)

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