The more the merrier...

From The Atlantic: “But as hilarious as student/anecdotes can be, and as justified (if misdirected) the grievances, instructors should resist the urge to share these tales online….Even when no name is given, students who come across these posts will know who they are. This may not only impact their experience of this one class, but also sour them on school more generally. What student wants to think that every time they make a mistake on an exam, the result is a lower grade plus your teacher having a good laugh about it…How many students would be thick-skinned enough to laugh along as an instructor and colleagues used his or her mistakes as a pretext to lament the state of Western civilization..,And there may be an u pleasant class component as well, especially at the college level. The very students likely to feel least culturally prepared for university life are the ones whose missteps—in terms of glaring errors in so called common knowledge, but also how to interact with professors—are likely to provide the most entertaining material….”

Granted, the OP here is making an attempt at humor with a presumably fictional student, but in at least one other post now on this sub, the the situation with a student are given in detail, and the tone of condescension is marked. The post to which I am now responding is part of this very questionable way of talking about students by professors on this sub.

/r/Professors Thread