More research needed to see whether it’s the lack of brainpower or just piss-poor material.

Right-wing humor is just awful...

I've noticed that they're always posting shitty jokes/memes and when they get downvoted they always cry about "triggered liberal snowflakes" not having a sense of humor and censoring them.

I like dark humor just as much as the next libtard, but the truth is, right-wing humor is rarely ever funny or clever on any level.

The lack of self-awareness of the posters is the most frustrating to me though... They just can't seem to grasp that the reason they are being downvoted is because it is cringe af (a lot of crying goes on by right-wingers when their memes get downvoted to oblivion in r/politicalhumor).

Follow any proud right-winger on social media or check out r/therightcantmeme for more examples of right wing memes/jokes in action.

/r/PoliticalHumor Thread Link -