More than 40 Ohio schools authorize and train teachers to carry guns to protect students in class

I'll preface with the statement that this is my opinion. You're entitled to yours too. Everyone is. I'm positive I don't know everything, or even a lot, about this area of the law. I don't normally do reddit arguments, but I do care about this issue because my mom was a teacher and I have a lot of friends/family members who are teachers and I don't want them exposed to more guns. I don't mean to seem argumentative at all and if it comes off that way, I'm really sorry.

I did google "teachers beating up students" and got at least a few results (;; I don't think it happens all the time because there are many amazing teachers out there who have the patience of a saint. My mom was a teacher and she never harmed a student. She would put her life on the line ten times over for a student. However, my point was that teachers can snap too. Anybody can snap. Mental illness or mental breakdowns aren't limited to non-teachers. So, why allow more guns in schools where there are students, administrators, and teachers who have the ability to break down. And before you bring it up, yes, I realize cops can snap too. But, their job is to defend lives and to take down threats, so they've had more training and are more likely to react more appropriately in a violent or hostile situation.

You're right, I'm not the arbiter of who gets to use a gun in a school zone or carry a gun in a school zone. I think there is arguably a distinction between having a concealed carry weapon in general and carrying a gun in a school zone. We put reasonable limits on rights all the time. You can't shout "fire" in a crowded theater even though you have the right of free speech. I'm pretty sure gun-owners aren't allowed to carry on airplanes or in some hospitals. That's a limit on someone's free exercise of their Second Amendment rights. A reasonable exercise on gun rights is not allowing teachers in schools to possess them, at least in the eyes of many. I'm sure there's bias in every poll ever done, but that one at least says that the majority of respondents would oppose allowing more teachers and school officials to carry guns in schools. I'm sure there are teachers who taught at my school who had a concealed carry permit, but who didn't bring their gun on school grounds. I know there were teachers who hunted and had weapons at home. My point is I don't trust them to have that gun in a classroom (for a myriad of reasons including the fact that they could snap, a student who is bigger than them could take it away, they could leave it lying around when they get distracted because teachers are constantly distracted by a thousand different things, etc) and do not believe such a restriction is unreasonable.

Do I honestly believe he would have shot the kid? I don't know. He could have. Mothers snap and kill their children sometimes. If a mother can snap, then so can a teacher. Nobody can know that. So why risk it?

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