Is Morocco a good country to make hijra?

I was gonna tell you Egypt is off the table for sure but have you considered the south of Egypt though?

In Aswan and Nubian areas in the south it's predominantly black population so you don't have to worry about discrimination. The problem is that there isn't a lot of job opportunities over there because Egypt is very capital centric, all the jobs are in Cairo and northern areas mainly. Also the language might be an Issue because French isn't spoken in Egypt at all let alone the southern parts because it's even more secluded.

Maybe you could find a job with your French in Cairo but I wouldn't recommend living there if you you're worried about racism, it's not gonna be a living hell as you might imagine but it's almost guaranteed that you're gonna feel discrimination every once in a while. So, don't have Egypt as a first option that's for sure, if you can avoid it would be better. Leave it as a last resort option if you can't find somewhere better.

/r/MuslimLounge Thread