The MOST chilling reason for the "migrant" invasion I have seen yet!

I've been pondering this worldwide "forced integration" for a while, but my thoughts are still relatively incoherent.

I don't sincerely believe it's anything this sincere or direct. To think of it in such direct terms is far too simplistic. The real reason(s) would have to be something much more sophisticated and complete.

I mean, if you look at the facts, certain things become clear. For example, this forced integration is targeted towards developed western countries with clearly incompatible cultures, while coinciding with the narrative that we're all one people and the concept of countries, borders, and laws as being absurd, or strictly for the established peoples of these places.

It makes me think of Lennon's song "Imagine." Imagine there's no country, possessions, heaven or hell and that all people were just free roaming without accountability or cohesive boundaries.

What if the liberal utopia of globalism is in fact real and in full swing? What if the things we discern as sovereign nations are an illusion, with leaders selling them out. You can see it in Sweden and Germany as the most obvious examples right now. Germany is now trying to jail its citizens for speaking out against immigration.

You see it in Canada and developing in the US.

There's almost certainly some foreign body out there using these movements as a way to consolidate its power and destroy cultures, while using the United States and its resources as a power base to accomplish these designs.

It doesn't believe in sovereignty, freedom of expression, religion, or any of the founding constitutional amendments that we in the U.S. believe protects us from such measures.

The U.S. is being duped, or at the very least its handlers are paid for.

Meanwhile, the hippy dream is alive and thriving and this is what it looks like.

Common sense tells us the power of sovereignty, and also tells us that a nation or country is merely a set of laws which govern a defined space of geography.

There is a reason we sought sovereignty, and that reason was disagreement of injustice, and we were the only ones to feel that way, which is why we broke off. Yet all that work is eroding, being squandered by unseen forces, even though we can clearly feel an abstract connection to all of these events.

Human kind will only congeal in a global means through eons yet of social engineering or a mutual threat from something outside. The liberal dream of a world without borders simply isn't a possible system to achieve. Certainly not to sustain.

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