Most intelligent Americans are aware of our many mistakes, missteps and crimes- but the lemmings who refuse to acknowledge our leadership's failures refuse to look and understand. [+51]

I actually agree with the commenter on Russia isn't what you want for your overlord, nor China. But I dont like the superiority of drumpf bad, everyone who doesnt hate everything he does is a sheep and retarded.

Also, I dont think people hate the US that much outside US in real life. I live in a Asian country and people dont hate the US vehemently like in reddit lmao and I think people might hate China more, especially right now with the virus and the constant provocations in the South China Sea. I've seen a youtube video of chinese provocations with taiwan and the improvement of the treaty with taiwan by the US during trump. The taiwanese commenters were cheering the US on and generally supporting it.

The people that might hate the US here are the redditors ( not all, but mostly in my country's subreddit which are comprised of teens and young adults who only speak english and not our actual national language, far-left, sheltered people.) and the older folks that watch chinese propaganda channels in tv here.

Sources for the US-Taiwan treaty strengthening:

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