Most intense DMT experience to date

Deem is so weird man. Have you had any encounters with entities?

I had a weird experience with mushrooms once. It was a low dose and I wasn't feeling it very much, but then my fan started sounding different. I always know something is about to happen once my fan starts to sound different, like it's far off in the distance compared to normal.

So I felt like I was channeling into something, I closed my eyes to get the message. I saw a simple image. Picture a ring, like any ring that you might wear on your finger but just a simple 3-d top-down representation, and there is a sphere on the ring, and it is traveling around the ring in a counter-clockwise motion at a steady pace.

Now there is a second sphere on the ring. I realize that by tuning my brain (really just trying to visualize), I could make the second sphere travel faster or slower around the ring. I soon realized what I was supposed to do. I had to make "my" sphere match the other sphere, so that they were traveling around the ring overlapping each other at the same speed.

When I could get them overlapping and traveling at the same speed, it was like I could have telepathic contact with this entity. Like I was tuned into the right radio station. It was there to share knowledge with me and answer my questions, and it seemed like any question I had about the human race, our past, events in history, how any complex object was made or worked, it was like I had access to any information I wanted. Of course I couldn't really retain any of this or ask any great questions. Not that I believe I was actually in contact with something, but it's possible.

Also I've noticed a similar brain-tuning type of thing with non-breakthrough deem trips. It's really weird but it's like I can direct blood flow to different parts of the brain by just thinking about it, and if I do it right, can go from having no visuals or barely feeling it, to having insane open eye visuals where everything goes almost fractal but living and changing, morphing, in indescribable ways, like the fabric of space is revealing itself.

This all ties back to meditation. If we can just tune our brains right we can tap in any time we want to. This may be relevant:

/r/Psychonaut Thread