Most likely irrelevant, but why didnt they stick with the style both 2008 hulk and iron man had?

I completely agree. Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk had solid scripts and tones. Dialogue felt natural, the world felt real, and humor only came when it fit the scene. My top 5 MCU films are all in phase 1 because they felt like emotional pieces, I invested in the story and characters. Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk are two of my favorite marvel films.

Now everything is a joke. "Let's disregard emotion and connection with characters and make everyone quip 24/7!". This is what it has come to. Every character in Homecoming is purely there for comedic effect. Every line of theirs is a joke. We never learn anything about characters, so we never connect to them, so we never invest in the story. This makes it forgettable. I'm not a hater, I still go to see the films, but I can't help but feel frustrated with the filmmaking decisions they have made. Now it's easy entertainment, which makes it forgettable.

I love the rare times when Marvel gets serious now though, Civil War did an excellent job with this. But it rarely happens, this is why many did not like Age of Ultron. Because they didn't go the 'serious dark killer robot' route that we all loved from the comics, and decided to go with a quipy robot who steps on his own dramatic moments with humor, thus a forgettable villain for many. I'm just hoping with all my heart they do not do this with Thanos. Please make him scary and dark. Don't do another Ultron. He needs to feel like a threat and not just make it a fun laugh fest when the whole galaxy is at stake.

But this is all my opinion, I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this, and if you disagree I'd love to hear why!

/r/marvelstudios Thread