Mother sent me threatening messages...don't know how to act or feel ...

I'm sorry to have to say this (and I promise it's with the intention of helping you) but it seems you are caught in a bad cycle and unfortunately, being the sane one in the situation, you are more to blame at this point. You wisely came to a public forum to get an outside opinion, but it's about something that is a "no brainer". I would guess you know deep inside that it's you who are making excuses at this point and you need a push, but here you are making excuses already, hoping that a psychotic person seeks help willingly is kinda crazy in itself you know what I mean? You are saying going to court is bad for your sisters? Your sisters deserve to know the truth, no matter how much it hurts the truth is the only way to clarity and freedom, if you love someone, always always give them the truth. Would you rather see your sisters in court or in a morgue?

she's only like this with me

sounds like famous last words... the level of detail in her threats leaves no room to assume what she is and isn't capable of. There are people I hate with a passion that I don't get these type of torture fantasies for. Your mother sounds like a danger to everyone, you owe it to your fellow man to have her committed. Your wording might have been by mistake or maybe it was a freudian slip

should they turn eighteen
almost sounds like you know they might not...

Now Im gnna take a guess at what's really going on here.... Once I truly expressed to my mother that Im nothing like she thinks I am, and the last thing I am is muslim, she couldn't handle it, Im American and shes Pakistani,culture clash and language barrier etc. We couldn't find common ground to communicate (which will happen when arguing with the delusional), Allah would always enter the argument and halt all progress. We both started to fight like crazy, the DRAMA oh my god, the fights, breaking stuff, running away,police, threats, you name it and my family went through it. We were like "What happened to us, we used to have a real relationship, a great one at that" After years and years of this and literally zero progress I started to realize that this insane fighting is our relationship, deep inside we didn't want to let the other go. We became addicted to the fighting and almost numb to how intense our fights were getting. So maybe you see where Im going with this, you must know in your heart that your mom is a drama queen, that she is probably repeating something she heard her father or grandmother say. If people you love are in real danger, then you don't have time to seek help or solace in a forum, and yes, that's what I think you are doing. According to your story, your entire family is at risk, not just you, do you really need a bunch of strangers to tell you to protect your sisters? If you are intelligent enough to express yourself on reddit than you are intelligent enough to assess what kind of threat your mom really is...this breakdown and crying stuff and your boyfriend telling you to just drop it... it sound so familiar, and compared to the intensity of your mothers threats it sounds so silly, " She wants to burn off my face and hobble my legs, but now she's crying so I guess we're all good. Im guessing it's the latter since you are here on reddit minimizing your sisters' grief and ending your reply with

however Im still not okay

In the end, your boyfriend is the one who isn't tied by blood, and isn't caught in the circle of drama, and he said to drop it. Maybe he wasn't sympathetic enough so you came to reddit for some sympathy (no offense) If you are in danger and he wants you to let it go then he is a MORON and you should dump him immediately, everyone wins hehe.

Finally I just want to say that in my personal life I didn't stop the drama in time, we all fell victim to our own bullshit, one of my brothers spent 6 yrs in prison (for dumbshit), I became heavily addicted to heroin for a decade, my sister is catatonically depressed on so many meds that id rather her be on heroin. I have another friend who was a lesbian and her mom tortured her so much that she ended up jumping off a building...BAd things are going to happen on life, don't let those bad things be something you can control or change.

tldr: If your family is in real danger, and you are the only one sane enough to see it, go to the police before Reddit, or else you are just as much to blame . Your mom sounds like the exact type of monster that everyone in this sub has suffered or is still suffering, if she is legit crazy then lock her up, if not, don't insult the rest of us with family fireworks because some of us don't have the healthy and young family that you do. Boyfriends will come and go trust me but you will never get these days back.

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