Mourinho's response to the "losing to managers beginning with P" stat: "If I was superstitious I'd say that when I start the season 2-2 I go on to win the treble. It was 2-2 Porto v Belenenses, 2-2 Inter v Bari and 2-2 v Swansea this season."

Buzzfeed is a website that sells advertisement space and tries to present themselves as a legitimate journalist outpost.

I'm afraid you're just plain wrong. Yes, they were/are popularised –and most reknowned– for their awful click-bait articles, but Buzzfeed have legit (and award winning (1, 2)) journalists researching and writing investigative pieces for them (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Not to mention last year they penned a number of great articles re: the NSA and their 'key' people (9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

To say what you have is partially unfair, but mostly incorrect.

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