In the movie Armageddon, it probably would have been easier to train astronauts to be drillers, rather than drillers to be astronauts.

a bachelors degree....ooh yeah thats a high bar there. Seriously man....argue all you want. Being an astronaut is the nerd equivalent of being a professional athlete....tons of nerds want to go to space...only a few ever get a chance.....I get it. And I get thats theres all sorts of specialized training they have to go through. BUT.....

just as you throw around this one year experience is worth a masters and three years a doctorate..... Ill take a doctorate in drilling when I need drilling done over a doctorate in sitting in a tin can. Im dead serious. We were going to send McAuliffe to space, I mean might not be the best example considering how that went....but if a 37 year old school teacher from new hampshire could pass muster I dont think its as tough as you seem to believe.

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