Movie geeks of Reddit, what are some films everyone must watch before they die?

If you really want to get into film, I'd suggest watching films from popular acclaimed directors and then branch out into films from other directors that do similar things if you enjoy them. I think watching films like this gives you more of an appreciation of the different styles of films that can be pulled off by different directors and how each one handles different subjects/genres differently, rather than just watching random films with no context.

for example I think everyone should watch at least a few Hitchcock films, I'd say 'Vertigo' probably holds up the best by today's standards, but if you're more into horror 'the birds', or 'phycho' might be a good starting place.

If you want to get into french cinema, probably start with Godard (some of his movies are pretty weird but important none the less). 'My life to live' and 'Breathless' might be good ones to start on.

other directors that are good starting points for 'getting into film' -Stanley Kubrick (pretty essential imo) -David Lynch -Akira Kurosawa -Miyazaki -Tarantino -Richard Linklater -Ridley Scott -Orson Welles -David Fincher -Scorsese -Paul Thomas Anderson

could make this list a lot longer, but I'll leave it at that

/r/AskReddit Thread