MRW my gf tells me not to blame her anger on her period, then blames her anger on her period

I wasn't replying to the post you replied to. If I had, he would've gotten the red envelope. I replied to yours. I quoted what I took issue with. Don't put words in my mouth. Don't take it to mean more than I said.

I didn't defend his ridiculous claim. I attacked YOUR ridiculous claim. Just because he said something stupid doesn't mean everything you said automatically becomes true, valid, on point, and flawless. If I say 2+2=5, you don't suddenly become right saying 2+2=6 just because I was wrong.

So, thanks for proving your communication skills, or at the very least reading comprehension, are as bad as I predicted.

Pointing it out is at best doing nothing to improve those feelings, and at worst invalidating those feelings.

Just because you have all the of tact of blunt force trauma doesn't mean that the best case is no improvement. It just means your best case is shitty, because you think the only way to mention hormones is just going "you're being hormonal".

I can tell my SO when she's overreacting most likely due to hormones. Do you know what she does? She fucking listens, because we have trust and know each other very well, and so she knows if I said that to take a second, evaluate if she's overreacting, and respond. Maybe that response will be "no, this really fucking bugs me." Most often it's "ugh, you're right." and then hugs, more discussion, fixing the issue anyway, or whatever helps at the moment to move past it.

I'm not saying it to win some fight or anything and she knows that. I'm saying it because I want a solution and overreacting doesn't help that. It's almost like with my significant other we're a team that works together and has common goals. She understands I'm not saying it as an excuse. If your SO can't trust you to not be making excuses like that, that's your problem. That doesn't mean the best case is actually that bad. Get some tact, learn to communicate with your SO, and learn to trust each other.

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