Pls stop

Overall, men are more likely to be the victim of violent crime than women are. But you don't care , because feminism has trained you out of having empathy for men

God, you are either pathetic or just a copy-pasta troll. You have a severe victim complex. You play the man as a victim so hard, you can't articulate a real critique about white feminism and its flaws. I care about the men's issues that cause them to be violent, alcoholic or suicidal. All you care about is playing victim Olympics. Which is what you accuse the other side of doing. So really you are as productive as the people you blame for so much. You actually only care about your own feelings, not other men. You don't understand feminism or real issues affecting men.

Feminism isn't causing men to become violent, go on shooting sprees, commit suicide or fall into alcoholism.

I think it's more related than people want to admit. he same way that the white privilege discourse doesn't actually increase empathy for non-whites, but instead lowers empathy for poor whites (because they aren't succeeding even with all that privilege), the "male privilege" discourse tells men who are struggling that they're extra failures because they started with this unearned advantage.

Men blaming others and not taking responsibility is what I'm up against really. Please take your sad incel wails to another corner of the internet where others cry about being beaten up by feminists every day and not understanding why a woman would never want to touch them.

You actually lack empathy for other people's suffering. It's no wonder you feel attacked or unhelped.
I'm sorry if you're a poor, white, male who is really down on his luck and no one is marching in the streets to help you.

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