They understand our struggle

TL;DR Ehhhhh, maybe? I think so, but only as racist as most people I know, which I guess still means a little racist. I got a vibe that he thought black culture was inferior to white culture, that he was less trusting of black people, and didn't have much sympathy for those who were poorer. He didn't make nasty comments or anything, it was just a sort of his attitude I picked up on.

Long Confusing Rant Nobody Needs to Read: So concerning racial stuff it was, he is racially Latino, raised by white parents, grew up in Berkeley and seemed to have some of those social justice-y values, but mostly had a sort of...powerful white American man perspective? That sounds terrible, and I'm not saying AT ALL that white American men don't care about minorities or social issues or something, what I mean is that this guy was really into the idea of political and financial power, and really into being American, and into being white, and definitely into being a man, if that makes any sense. All this was actually like his self-proclaimed identity, he was very proud about it. He was generally annoyed with stuff like feminism, LBGT rights, immigrants, and complaints from racial minorities, but technically agreed with most of it (that everyone should be treated equally regardless of sex/race/orientation), and also made lots of borderline misogynistic and racist comments/jokes. But then he also rolled his eyes at certain other people who made racist/misogynistic comments like he didn't approve. So basically, it's complicated, but he doesn't think of himself as racist.

Also, more than once used the term "yellow fever" to describe a friend with a preference for Asian ladies, and asked if someone had "jungle fever" when they noticed a black girl was attractive. Sorry, but those terms just skeeve me out. And said something about me having a "thing" for black guys, because I agreed with someone about one black guy being attractive.

In short, he was a bit weird about race, but actually not any weirder than most people I know (from a smallish town, over 92% white). I still don't have a solid opinion about whether he's racist, and wrote this whole uninteresting wall of text mostly to try to sort it out. Yeah, I obviously find it really hard not to rant about my ex, haha. I hate that guy.

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