As a gay man, MRW someone smugly compares pedophilia to homosexuality yet again. We are not your fucking shield you perverts.

I don't like this. They are the same thing. You are a pervert just as much as they are a pervert. The only difference is one is amoral to act on and the other isn't.

Since, by definition, pedophilia can't occur between two consenting adults, it's not okay. But since homosexuality generally does, it is okay. That is literally the only difference.

I really hate the overt demonization of pedophiles that virtually nobody in society stands opposed to. Even the most SJW among us are "anti-pedophile". You can murder your whole family and be okay in prison, but touch a little kid, and your ass is grass.

To be clear, pedophilic acts are super mega fucked up, and we should be doing everything in our power to prevent them, but a huge part of that is acknowledging that pedophilia is virtually identical to homosexuality, but we simply cannot allow one of them to actually occur.

At present, if you have pedophilic tendencies (which, again, identical to homosexual tendencies, you have absolutely no control over them, nobody chooses to be a pedophile), and you want to be a good person and not scar any little kids or their loved ones, well, you'd better hope you have an iron will, because good fucking luck getting any help with it. You can't even admit to being attracted to kids, having never acted on it or intending to act on, without being called a disgusting pervert who should be shot.

The worst part of it all is, homosexuality and pedophilia are the same thing, except one's okay and one's not, and yet we have tons of (completely fucked up) programs towards fixing/abstaining from the okay one, but nothing but bile and hatred for people who want to fix/abstain from the not okay one.

TL;DR: Pedophiles are people too. They can't control their attractions. Being understanding about that from the outset will go a long way in reducing how many pedophilic acts actually occur.

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