Mueller Report: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

I notice you are a low-IQ dolt who lacks critical reading skills, so I’m going to be benevolent and help you. You used your hot dog fingers to pound this into your keyboard: “If you think psychology diagnosis is the proper term . . .”

No, I don’t think that would be the proper term. But that’s not how I used it. Now, (and pay attention here, you drooling simpleton) I referred first to his “pseudo psychology,” or, the approach to psychology that does not follow the traditional accepted method. In this case, that would be him randomly shitting out some dumb diagnosis on the internet. Now, back to you being both dumb and overzealous about showing it off— “pseudo-psychology diagnosis” remains correct. Next time you want to correct someone, remember that you’re a fucking imbecile, and you won’t get embarrassed like this again. Hope this helps.

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