Mujtaba Rahman: Amazingly, HMG view on violence in NI is: this is largely a prob for EU to resolve. Reasoning along lines: EU consistently favoured nationalist community in Brexit deal; shd now prioritise needs of unionists = more flex in implementation of Protocol, checks down Irish Sea.

The Irish are poorer than the UK, we were practically penniless as recently as the 80s, and our GDP is heavily distorted by multinationals who pay feck all tax much in the same way as Tower Hamlets is poor despite canary wharf being in the middle of it. You can roughly knock 60 percent off the stats you linked. Our tax situation arose in the 80s and 90s as a way to attract jobs that were needed to get us out of the aforementioned penury.

We made a deal with several devils to get some jobs that otherwise never would have come to Ireland. It's a bit of a ticking timebomb whether they'll disappear whenever the US, UK & EU close the tax loopholes we've taken advantage - loopholes that were created for their own various microstate tax havens.

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