Multiple Surgeries

I’ve had 2 within 6 months of each other. After I realised it was growing back so fast and I knew it wouldn’t stop; I decided to focus on pain management instead and accepting that I have it. I never wanted kids so I suppose that enabled me to decide not to pursue any more surgeries. I’ve a friend who had a full hysterectomy and it didn’t stop thé endometriosis. Personally, I wouldn’t let them take anything like my ovaries or womb when there’s a significant risk it won’t stop it and if I understand it correctly could mean an early menopause for you. I think it’s a very personal choice and for me, learning to deal with the pain mentally and build resilience was life changing for me. I’m also stage 4 and I just spent a week hatching clots the size of eggs and taking tramadol for the pain; even for longer than the recommended 3 days. The fact is you can go through repeated surgeries and we all know there’s no cure. If removing ovaries was the cure; wouldn’t it be done everywhere? I’m not trying to diminish the issue. I just have a different way of dealing with things - surgery is not for me - I find it all too traumatic and it didn’t help.

/r/Endo Thread