Multiple victims reported in active shooter situation in Austin, Texas; police say stay away from downtown

Gangs shoot at each other every day, folks. For whatever reason, the media has decided to conflate these things with terrorists acts.

You must be new here.. /s

Any shooting involving any sort of firearm is branded 'terrorist' activity now, because there's a targeted agenda many levels above us, to water down that term, so that the legislation being pushed on the back of unrelated bills to "combat terrorism", nets all of us, either directly or through 2-degrees-of-separation.

Terrorism has a very narrow and specific definition, and unless the shooting is specifically politically motivated, it IS NOT TERRORISM. Causing terror, does not equal terrorism, despite the root word being the same.

We need to push back on this as much as possible.

Also, the number of public, mass shootings is going down, not up. What's increasing, is our up-to-the-minute access to these activities in real-time. Social media, online scanner radio sites and other resources keep us plugged in 24x7.

There were significantly higher numbers of shootings decades ago, but they would only ever hit the local news, possibly national news if they involved someone famous or some other newsworthy event.

So please, don't believe the hype that gun violence is on the rise (it isn't), or that mass shootings are increasing (they aren't), or that all of these shootings are terrorism (they're not).

That is all.

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