[Help] Is it okay to feed my dog a raw diet?

The simple answer is, no.

Many people like to argue that feeding raw is 'back to nature', the way dogs used to eat. That being said, you can't just give them meat and some veggies and expect them to thrive. The reason we created dog food is so that we could formulate it as closely as possible to the nutrition requirements dogs have that we, through science, have determined are necessary to keep them in optimal health.

There are some really gross foods out there for dogs, but you can most definitely find good foods out there, and there is no harm in supplementing with things like pureed pumpkin and even some raw meats.

For the more complicated answer, yes, but it's high maintenance.

Now, if you ARE convinced that you must go raw, do so with the assistance of your veterinarian. A couple blood tests every so many months to test levels of different micro and macro nutrients, can help determine if the diet is meeting all of your dog's needs. I believe there are also some pre-made raw diets available, as an easier option than doing it yourself.

Honestly, I think sometimes we forget that you don't just have to feed kibble, or even one brand of kibble. I give my dog pureed pumpkin fairly regularly, and I'm not opposed to giving him an egg every now and again either (not the shells). He currently is on one brand of kibble, but I may be mixing two in the future to cover all the bases I'm concerned about.

Maybe consider supplementing his diet with things like a scrambled egg here and there, some pureed pumpkin, a bone with raw meat on it. Rely on the kibble for the basics, and then enjoy spicing up his diet a little bit and reaping the benefits that some foods can bring (I'm a big advocate for pureed pumpkin, it did wonders for my pup's poops)

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