This must be an April Fools joke? Right guys...?

Yea I used to subscribe there. It used to not be like used to be like interesting lectures or articles, stories about having religion forced on them and the appropriate way to respond, how to tell your religious family without them going crazy, or posting funny stuff religious people said (in the same way we post and mock redacted) but it was always in good fun. Then out of no where it became "FUCK RELIGION" and everyone got all high and mighty, and flipping out about every single thing.

There are real issues/stigmas for Atheists like, there are 7 states we aren't allowed to hold office or be on a jury (though I doubt those are enforced), we're more distrusted than RAPISTS, and atheists almost never get custody of their child. Rather than focusing on that and picking our battles...that sub decided to FREAK OUT about everything. Who the fuck cares if "under god" is in the pledge? If you don't like that part....then dont say it. They're so pathetic over there so i got the hell out of there

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