My [17F] brother [14M] is acting very mean and disrespectful

Dude, chill.

What do you mean she should "stay out of his room?" She is not there exclusively to bother her brother. According to some replies, he does it on purpose just to piss her off, not because she is walking into his room and "disrespecting his space". I agree she should get a lock because of this, but I am fairly certain her brother would find a way to bother her anyway (by repeatedly trying to open the door, screaming profanities at her, insulting her, FORCEFULLY opening the door, etc.) And she very RARELY if ever walks into his room while he walks in EVERY DAY just to piss her off, break her limits and get her in trouble if she retaliates. She doesn't do any of that. If I interpret her post correctly, I think she meant that him walking in on her is invading her space as well. I highly doubt her brother actually thinks she is invading his space and he just does it to act like she is worse than him. And please, don't tell me you would tolerate someone bothering you when you're trying to do homework. I'm very certain she respects it when her brother does his homework, so why would he think it's okay to bother her when she is doing it? Because she is older and in college? Please, college is not like high school if that's what you think. Procrastination and half-assed work is not going to pass there. And judging from what he says to her while he is in the room, to me it sounds a little like emotional abuse and manipulation. I might be overthinking it I'll admit, but seriously, it doesn't matter how harmless it may seem, straight up asking someone if they "smell like piss/shit" is not fair to the one you're asking, becuase then you will give them the impression that you think they really do smell like that, especially if you ask it repeatedly. It doesn't matter if they pass it off as a joke, one may still start wondering if they really do smell like that and feel awful about it. No one wants to smell like piss/shit. And judging from some comments made by SilverEspeon, he also seems to do this to turn her into some doormat, because that's what he EXPECTS both her and his parents to be, and if they don't, he snaps at them.

Also, she is most likely NOT invading his space if he's fine with his own parents walking in abd doing it more often than her. She is still a family member, not some roommate.

Her brother has some serious issues, but you seem to be ignoring them in favour of telling her of what not to do rather than what she could do to help her brother and herself (which is what she was probably asking for in the first place). Threats, violence, expecting everyone to be a doormat, invading of personal space just for the hell of it, and getting pissed and blaming the other person of making him angry when they fail are not healthy signs.

I can't believe I had to say this, but I felt you were being way too harsh on her. This is a serious issue both for her AND her parents. She really is trying to help her brother. It's a surprise that she actually returns back home, knowing this will happen. Getting angry at her will not help. Try to understand her side too.

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