My [20F] father [49M] deliberately murdered a pigeon with his van and laughed when my sister [17F] started crying. Please help.

Wait wait wait. What makes you think he has this exactly? Not trying to steal your thread OP but this sounds so much like my father.. all my life he has joked about hitting animals and every time in my childhood that he saw an animal while in the car he's swerve to hit it and laugh when I screamed about it. He told me a few times of him hitting things, including a cat though he said that was an accident, but I never took it seriously. He also talks about killing stray cats and squirrels in his backyard, often joked about killing my cat, but I always thought it was jokes. My father isn't what I would descrive as a good person, he used to complain to me about my mother (they were seperated since I was 5) and about how much child support he dished out for me. He considered it a favour/extra privledge if I got more than two meals a day (he was drunk every weekend but not during the week afaik so was always in bed till 2, I made my own breakfast). He cheated on every partner and he went through a lot in my life, even cutting out a lifelong friend and splitting lifelong friends up from his wife when he accused my dad of cheating, saying that it was actually his friend (it wasn't). He has four daughters that I know of, but I have reason to believe there is another. One is the product of his cheating on my mom, and he never wanted me to know about that one. In fact his current fiance of ten+ years doesn't know and neither does anyone else really. But it's not surprising, my sister visited him at work (he owns his own business) and while waiting for him a "friend of 30 years" introduced themselves to her and asked who she was. When she said his daughter the friend was surprised and said she'd never heard of any kids at all! Not once in 30 years! I've never doubted my dad's love for me, I always thought he just showed it weird and even though I wouldn't say he's a good person I've never felt he was malicious to me! Just a bit neglectful and distant. He lost his mom young and I know his father was very hard on him. He is a horrible racist too but that's definitely his upbringing. Do you think he might have a personality disorder or is he just a somewhat shitty person? I'm sorry this got so long, I've just never thought if it before and the story above sounded so much like him

/r/relationships Thread Parent