My 29 F fiance 29 M has ghosted me since he found out about my past (long, sorry)

I told my SO very very early on about some past decisions that I knew would upset him. He responded similarly and it took us about a year, honestly, for him to feel like he could trust that I was the woman I had worked hard to become. And not the woman who had made those choices years before.

I was patient with him processing information and I felt he was entitled to his emotional response. But I also never believed that the choices I made when I was younger made me a bad person or unworthy of his love or respect and I made that clear.

Eventually, with enough time and him seeing who I am and how much I respect myself now, he came around. And our foundation has always been a really solid one because it was built on honesty.

Give him some time. It’s great that you have told him, but you have to understand that to him, this feels like a betrayal. He needs to build trust in you again and he needs to be given time to see your actions now and be reminded of who he’s chosen to love. He needs to see that you are still that same woman. I would recommend giving him some time and space to process all of this, but be available and committed to him while he does so.

/r/relationship_advice Thread