My(30f) mother-in-law(60'sf) is obsessed with my baby, ignores me, and husband(31m) does nothing about it

Ugh your MIL sounds a lot like my MIL but worse. I'm so sorry you're going through this! Totally agree with couples therapy with your husband so you guys can get on the same page. My husband didn't get what was making me upset but he was at least supportive (when he could tell I was upset).

Three things that helped me when my daughter was a baby and my MIL was unbearable. And you don't even need your husband's support right away to do point 1 or 2:

  1. Build your confidence as THE MOM. You have the final say, not your MIL! Give yourself a pep talk before seeing MIL and remind yourself that it doesn't actually MATTER what MIL says to you, or your husband, or her friends. It literally does not change anything. You are the mom and that is that.

  2. Change your mindset from "this person is attacking my parenting" to "awe poor old hag". Treat her like she doesn't know any better ("oh WOW, things have changed a LOT since your time, we definately don't give babies blankets in the crib anymore!" ... "Hey Granny, did you forget that we already picked the name?" ... "Whoops! Baby is eating her lunch, we aren't picking her up right now!"). And never ask. Tell.

  3. Consequences. If your MIL does something totally unacceptable then don't let her visit for a couple weeks. She seems obsessed with your baby so take that away from her until she behaves. If your husband isn't on board with this then make plans for you and your child (mommy and me swim class, play date, story time at the library) during times when MIL normally visits. If you can't leave the house and MIL is visiting then make a detailed plan for the day with baby activities that don't involve MIL. Stay with your baby- wear her in a carrier (lots of research shows this is good for many reasons, so there is that). Just make your child inaccessible every time MIL oversteps boundaries.

My MIL got her act together real quick when I didn't bring my baby to her house for a month and then asserted my dominance as the mom the next time I saw her. My daughter is 2.5 now and I actually have a pretty decent relationship with my MIL now that we got past those problems.

/r/relationships Thread