My[31M] wife[29F] wants me to move out with our son[1M]

Take your child to an allergist, just to be double sure.

What your wife said is wild and very concerning. You not answering any comment regarding her mental health is odd. Stop for a second and consider both of them.

Remove your child from the house, at least temporarily so the poor thing can have some relief. Even if she were to leave, the house needs to be professionally cleaned and if there is carpet and furniture, probably replaced.

You said your wife has struggled with depression previously. A pregnancy and a baby will exacerbate this, which is why several people have asked you if she has been seen by a medical professional about PPD.

I don’t think this is as simple as just “divorce your wife.” She was responded in a very serious and drastic way. She could be reacting to losing what has gotten her through depression and could be viewing her child as the problem/what’s causing this.

Please pump the breaks and consider your family as a whole. Prioritize your child by removing them from the house temporarily and talk to your wife.

/r/relationship_advice Thread