My boyfriend [31M] cheated on me [26M]. I've decided to stay. Is regaining sexual intimacy possible? [slightly NSFW]

I did not discover it from him coming clean to me, but rather from looking on his phone. I found out last week. He cheated physically with two guys, and sexual texting with three others..

Half a year in and he cheated on you with several people? And you've discovered it by accident? Oh boy...

Upon confrontation, Justin revealed to me some mental health problems he had been diagnosed with after the physical cheating. He went to therapy after the physical cheating and started taking medication. A symptom of his disease that he experiences is hypersexuality, so he describes the cheating as not being in his own mind.

Instead of taking on responsibility, he blames his medication? You do realise that there are other options with how to deal with hypersexuality? Why didn't he talk to you about it beforehand?

It also helps that I have daddy issues and a hard time leaving bad situations, I'm sure. There's also this battle with respecting myself that I haven't quite come to terms with in this situation, but I'm working on it.

So start now, do yourself a favour and leave your bf. Get tested for STDs and work on your self-esteem. Why would you stay with someone who lies to you and puts you in danger? It wasn't just one person, there were several of them. And c'mon, how do you know that he would have told you eventually about it?

/r/relationships Thread