My boyfriend [32M] wants to uproot our entire lives and move because he doesn't like the weather where we live. I [29F] said no, he says he might do it anyway.

No, I know there is a huge chance he won't go to a state school.

But the option is there. I feel we'd be doing him a huge disservice to not have that option. "Hey kiddo, I see college is even more expensive than when I went. And you really wanted to go? Sucks to suck, your dad wanted to move to an insanely costly area and we couldn't afford to save up, plus you lost your free tuition. Good luck, buck-a-roo! But isn't it pleasant outside?"

If he doesn't go to school, the money goes to him.

On top of it all he would've have a better life. Better schools, more chances to travel, more money for extracurriculars, we could afford to send him to camp, we could buy him instruments, art supplies, football equipment, whatever.

We wouldn't have that kind of money if we moved to where my boyfriend wants. We'd have worse schools, less money, live in a smaller house in a crappier neighborhood (because it's all we could afford), and on top of it all, we wouldn't have jobs. We literally don't have jobs where he wants to move, and my job prospects are severely diminished. Not that I couldn't find work, but it wouldn't be of the same caliber that I'm doing now.

It's not just money for college. It's his entire life. I want my kid to have the best life I can provide him. I can't provide him the best life by moving where my boyfriend wants to go.

He's managed to live here 8 years. He's never significantly complained about the weather until recently. And while I don't doubt that he dislikes it, there are options. Traveling in the summer. Modifying his routine. We can move a bit further out of the city where there's less concrete and it's a good 10 degrees cooler daily.

He doesn't want that, he refuses. It's move or else.

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