My husband (31 M) and I (29 F) are having some seriously weird issues

I’m not too familiar with meditating and “tulpas”, so take my option as a grain of salt - but this is creepy af.

I got instant bad vibes from reading this post. It seems like Adam may not be just an imaginary friend but some sort of had entity / presence that’s been ushered into your husband’s life via this shaman. I think him making that 4-hour trip sounds like a major bad plan, and I can only imagine some serious seeds being planted in your husband’s head as a result of that trip. I think he needs to cut off the shaman and really give the therapist a chance. Maybe consider cleansing your home with sage also... I seriously don’t get a good vibe from this at all.

I hope everything works out for you!

/r/relationship_advice Thread