My husband just threw a beer can at my head

I’ve seen my moms husband punch my mom square in her face, bust our windows out, break our belongings, cover my mom in bruises, punch doors, slap and choke me, AND he’s known to slam unopened beer cans over my moms head. It’s been this way since I was 12. I’m 19 now. She’ll never leave. I grew up watching that and every single time I saw it, I felt a mix of sadness and anger for my mother. She always said she’d leave but the expensive cars, nice dinners, and fancy jewelry make up for all the abuse in her eyes. I see my mother as weak and misled and the life she exposed my siblings and I to has had long lasting effects on us. I’m terrified of men. My older sister has constant failed relationships with men. My younger sister also has a fear of men. And even now my relationship with my mother is strained because she’s STILL with him even after I had to get a no contact order against him after he beat the shit out of me in our backyard. If YOU won’t leave you get those girls the hell out of there. You put their safety and their well-being first. And don’t you ever let them grow up seeing their mother take shit from a man. You gotta defend yourself baby. You do the very best you can to get the fuck out. It’s humiliating. It’s hard. It’s sad. But your babies come first. Even if you’ve gotta live with your mother or a cousin or a friend for a while. He won’t change. My mom always told us “yeah he might hit me, but he’d never hurt you girls.” Until the day he did. Please go.

/r/relationship_advice Thread