Forget that tier list, make a gear list!

ShUt uP nOOb eVeRyoNe kNoWs If nO mAX dUPe 5 stAr AfTeR 10,000$ cAlL Mihoyo fOr rEfund.

Am I doing it right? Same people crying about rates now will be crying about stamina refreshes being too expensive later.

If you saved your resources now, only spending cash on battle pass + stamina (resin), you could have enough left to play high level end game as a very light spender.

I promise anyone reading this I will be farming all future content easily, and competitively. I will also be doing it while spending 90% less than the average 'whale'. End of the day this is still a Gacha game, so it will probably take 10-100$ monthly to truly keep up (depending on their level of greed divided by the number of paying players that stick around).

If you're a spender focus on one, maybe two 5 stars that you pull at least 1 dupe of, otherwise just stick to 4 star everything. #trust.

Source - am genshin jesus, proof? None...

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