My narcissistic STBX is cheating and using me

No don't do an attorney... What i would do isdrag this out for 1-2 years. Make it seem like everythinf a ok like you know nothing.......i would then tell her honey I gotta promotion at work and we are moving to a bigger house....actually go house shopping and stuff...put a small down-payment tell the realtor you will sign and close as soon as you sell your home to transfer assets over....then when the home is crypto....with it....all of it...transfer to offline wallet and did somewhere safe to keep the offline wallet address written could burry it somewhere for all sakes...then....cancel new home contract lose 10k whatever. Then say you didn't qualify move into appartment with only your name on then make sure that you take a pay cut off a year...then serve her with divorce... What happened to the crypto? Well you lost the it. Leave country enjoy life single in a much affordable country..maybe in 3 years that crypto millions.

/r/survivinginfidelity Thread Parent