my point: it is not Christianity that is dangerous, it is Humans.

There are not as many heroin addicts in places with little access to heroin

(a bit of a side subject I apologize)

there is much evidence to the contrary to this.. first and foremost, there are plenty of heroin addicts in prison. they are behind bars, concrete walls and have armed guards on watch.

Even in places where heroin was completely blockaded and removed from availability (they could confirm by testing drug purity of drugs confiscated).. it turned out that herion addicts simply found something else to inject, typically something much more dangerous.

Availability is not what constricts usage. its dealign with the very human faults that leads a person to addiction. its treating it as a health issue. Constructing a social network for the addict to start working towards recovery.

and counter-intuitvly as it might seem. Safe injection clincs where herior in provided under doctor supervision, leads to less STD, overdoses and robberies/crime by people trying to obtain their drug.

would highly recommend "The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs" - Johann Hari

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