Name a Champion you have problems playing against. Mains will reply with tipps/tricks how to play against that specific champion!

Well there are a few scenarios that I could see happening. Edit: this post is long. I gotta get to bed. I may continue it tomorrow if you want. Disclaimer: I mained teemo top 100% for most of s2 and parts of s3. Played him rarely top and sometimes as support and adc in s4. I just don't see the same magic between us anymore. So if you're a mele champ vs teemo (let's just say tryndamere for a worst case scenario) the first thing you need to look for is the teemo's runes & masteries. Typically you can tell if he's going AP or AD based off those. In the case of AP teemo he's going to be maxing Q for burst but his E passive scales off AP so 1 attack will tick a considerable amount more than an AD teemo would. When vs AP teemo, you're looking for him to overextend. Itemizing for MR early on will cut his burst considerably until he buys magic pen. If you can tank the initial Q+auto, you need to go in and fight him. An AP teemo will get out dps'd in a prolonged fight but once the blind wears off, the teemo should be looking to disengage. To solve this problem, after early MR I'd recommend buying either boots or a bilgewater cutlass to be able to kite him to his tower. When vs AD teemo, you're looking for the opposite. AD teemo typically maxes E for extra dmg on hit and looks to kite. Note that maxing E without AP items will result in more dmg on hit but hardly any DoT. On tryndamere I'd recommend maxing E for burst dmg (it's a reliable retaliation when blinded + lower cd so you don't get kited as much) and itemizing for early armor+brutalizer. AD teemo still presents a problem because you can get zoned pretty easily. AD teemo's weakness though is his playstyle. AD teemo needs to push the lane and take tower early/zone you or else he will get outscaled. Take advantage of this by farming at your tower and waiting for a gank when he's pushed up. A smart teemo player will play reactive to what you're building. If you get cloth armor and boots on your first b, an AD teemo may just come back with a haunting guise and decide to go AP to avoid your resistances. Don't make the mistake of ignoring the cloth armor and going merc treads because he already has the flat magic pen from the haunting guise. Your best bet in this situation is to complete the ninja tabi's and then build some MR such as hexdrinker or spectre's cowl. Keep in mind that he still has AD runes and the tabi's will help with the auto dmg. Getting both types of resistances early on vs teemo is a lot more effective than most people think because (opinion alert) flat ap+ad runes are the most effective on teemo in most cases The key to victory against teemo is not letting his lead get too large because once he's free to roam he can potentially control the entire top side of the jungle with shrooms or provide shrooms as makeshift wards during mid game making your jungler unable to gank.

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