Do I need to buy a house?

I’m 36 with no kids and I’m single and have no plans on buying anything anytime soon. I went through a phase where I thought I should, quite recently it came across my mind again, but I keep backing away from it. I intend on renting for another 15 years. I’ll buy a small condo when I’m around 50, grab a 15 year mortgage (but in a perfect world, I’ll be just paying cash for it). I figure by the time I’m 50 I’ll know where I want to settle. Even just the freedom of moving to the town next door is something I am enjoying. I spent 5 years in one place and then last year moved to a place just a few miles away that is a little more social and fun, it’s nice to be within walking distance to coffee shops, bars, restaurants. I love it! Enjoy the flexibility, pay off your debt, put away money somewhere it is earning some money and you can use it for a house down the road if you decide you’re ready.

/r/personalfinance Thread