I Need Help. Python 3.6.3 (Classes and OOP)

def main(): myRadio = Radio() userOption = 0 while userOption != "10": userOption = GetMenuGetOptions() if userOption == "1": print(myRadio.currentStation) elif userOption == "2": myRadio.longPressPreset1() elif userOption == "3": myRadio.longPressPreset2() elif userOption == "4": myRadio.longPressPreset3() elif userOption == "5": myRadio.seekNext print(myRadio.currentStation) elif userOption == "6": myRadio.shortPressPreset1() elif userOption == "7": myRadio.shortPressPreset2() elif userOption == "8": myRadio.shortPressPreset3() elif userOption == "9": myRadio.displayLCD() else: input("\nRun complete. Press the Enter key to exit.")
def GetMenuGetOptions(): print("""1 = Display tuned in station 2 = Program preset station 1 3 = Program preset station 2 4 = Program preset station 3 5 = Seek next station 6 = Tune preset station 1 7 = Tune preset station 2 8 = Tune preset station 3 9 = Dump Programming 10 = Turn off radio""") print() userOption = input('Enter your choice: ') while userOption == False: userOption = input('Enter your choice: ')

return userOption
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