Need help with a book talk I'm doing on Leviathan Falls

du pasa - make passage (du + NOUN = VERB)

A note about "pasa" from melanyabelta's Wówtebuk (updated 2021-08-14):

pasa / ?n ?vb / ?a pass
Unglossed but seen in tensha fo pasa, du pasa tim and gif pasa. [Note: the scene with tensha fo pasa has the words out of focus, and it could be that the word is instead something like *push or *pusa.] That said, du pasa tim and gif pasa could also be serial verbs, rather than du + noun and gif + noun. And, as seen with fo keng to im gut, fo can be used with a verb (in this case acting like a gerund) — allowing the possibility that pasa is a strong verb.

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