Why do therapists ask about family history of depression?

Hey friend, I don’t know if this helps but to give a specific answer on how this question has informed my own practice: I’ve asked a client a form of this question (does any of your family members have a history of depression or mental illness?) and I might get the response: “no we never talk about that.” Which may lead me to hypothesize there is stigma or the belief mental illness shouldn’t be talked about and inquire for more information about their own beliefs of mental illness. Or, I’ve had a client respond, “yes, my father had bipolar and he wasn’t part of my life.” So that cues me into some important work we may have to do in the future relating to the client’s relationship to their father and how it may or may not impact and inform future relationships. So, to me the question has the potential to glimpse into their family dynamics that can give me a lot of material to work with.

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