Do i need to what happens before the upcoming 2nd remake to play it?

Really? You want to start this discussion now? OP only asked specifically what he needs to know from the first game. So he has no clue. He asks here maybe not to get spoiled accidently while googling.

Many people don't care how old a film or game is. When they won't to get spoiled. Every other person has to respect that.

If someone recommends you a film from 1998 that you haven't watched yet. Should they tell you the twist or ending right away too?

And reviewers see movies long before release. So the plot, twist, ending etc gets somewhat leaked. Should they shout out the spoiler to anybody who ask him on Twitter if the movie is any good?

Your argument is legit when someone accidently drops the bomb in a complete unrelated way. But OP doesn't know the game and wants to play it for the first time in all it's glory. He even asks what he has to know from the first game to not feel lost.

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