Are you looking forward to the Resident Evil Netlfix tv show?

Yes! Resident Evil is an old property that has never translated well to western audiences. The idea of an all white cast with token minorities sprinkled in is a remnant of a dead culture that no longer exists and this update is just what the franchise needs moving forward in an inclusive and challenging world eerily combative of change... almost like a zombie that wont go down!

The new direction is perfect for young audiences looking for something that can both represent them and challenge their perception of what Resident Evil is, not what it should be. It's 2022 and we can't let conspiracy theorists keep spreading lies about pharmaceutical companies being nefarious and sinister by default. Accidents happen! This adaptation, or definition as I call it, of Resident Evil is going to show there's strength and power in each of us, not just white men.

Resident Evil will take what's old and dead and bring it back to life in a new and exciting way everyone can enjoy regardless is you're a Democrat, Marxist, or liberal arts major! Diversity is key in keeping things fresh and alive, and Resident Evil is going to shatter that glass ceiling leaving everyone below in tears of joy as we make the strides necessary to apply real people to a universe desperately in need of them.

Resident Evil is BACK!

/r/residentevil Thread Link -