How much of the story is changed in each installment's remake?

As far as I'm concerned, 0, 1, and 2 are all almost the same story as their originals

0 is 0, it never got a remake, HD remaster is different.

1's remake is almost as old as OG games. It became iconic as much as OG games, therefore it's story is the what fans accept it as Canon. it also accepted as better than Original game.

2 changed lots of things. Encounter with Ada, Sherry, Irons, but it is still faithful to Original.

3 is completely another rewritten story. Almost everything is changed including Main character's personality, almost every Carlos encounter, Nemesis encounter, entire finding Cure for Jill sequence (it never happened in remake), Barry arriving with Heli to save Jill, Brad's death etc etc. It's impossible to count.

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