Neuromyths like we only use 10% of our brains, sugar causes hyperactivity, and hemispheric dominance determines personality are still prevalent among the public. Surprisingly, a high percentage of teachers also believe in these myths, including some that may influence teaching methods.

Autism is actually a real thing, you know. It's not the result of eeevil vaccines or CIA mind control in your teevee or turning against God or the president being black. Or some "social construct" like gay being a mental disorder or not believing in Jesus being a mental disorder. It's a very real birth defect that is devastating and abnormal and NOT what the fringe geeks at Assburgers for Freedom promote in their stupid memes. They make it out like finding a cure or preventative technique is tantamount to the fucking Holocaust. Uh, no it isn't. Autism isn't a "unique way of viewing the world" any more than schizophrenic delusions that David Koresh is the second coming of Christ is just a "unique and quirky way of seeing the world."

Autism is a genetic mutation caused, most likely, by an overdose of fetal testosterone messing up the developing brain in utero. Borat's cousin has a credible theory, that autism is the result of an "extreme male mind." Hence why more males have it than females. Of course, this theory is going to piss off the gender-neutralists who think that certain things are "socially constructed" and that to suggest that boys are biologically predisposed to math and science is downright blasphemy in the age of GIRLS CAN CODE!!!11! and all that rah-rah feminist bullshit.

I'm not saying feminism causes autism. I'm saying that there is a connection between the "male mind" and autistic systemizing, which causes them to relate better to numbers, data, other impersonal things, and poorly with people. And also that maybe we're making a mistake trying to push people to become engineers and coders. What's going to end up happening -- and maybe this is the intended result -- is that autism will become the new normal, and innumeracy the new, well, "disorder." Already we're seeing this whole "geek pride" thing come about, people who don't realize how damaged they are and passing it on to future generations who will then also go on to become socially inept programmers who can't relate properly to people. They make more eye contact with their iPhones than they do in normal conversation. And this is to be proud of? No. Stop perpetuating the myth that autism isn't a problem and doesn't need a cure. It's frightening, it's devastating, it's a freakish mutant evolution of man into machine. No empathy, no nuance, no room for compromise. Just "Abort, retry, fail."

Well, then, abort already.

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