Never played before - is now a good time to start or too late?

I just switched over from D2 because there's literally nothing for me to do anymore. Got all 3 classes to 305 and every weapon I wanted and most of the good exotics for all 3 classes so I'm bored as hell, the prestige raid doesn't even interest me and milestones are pretty useless so I have no incentive to logging in every week anymore. You can eventually get all raid and trial gear from the weekly clan engrams so I just login for those and that's pretty much it.

I just started playing this morning in my first 2 hours was one of the best times I had playing a game. The movement and using the bow is so damn satisfying. Community is awesome too, I asked if Excal was a good starter frame and got bombarded with whispers from people wanting to help. Me and one personal clicked so well, he wanted to take me under his wing and invited me to his guild with maxed out research techs(think that's what it's called). Enjoyed my first couple hours so much I signed up for Amazon and Twitch Prime for the free loot

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