New 1 Star Crafting Macros?

For 70 durability, assuming specialization, I am really liking the following:

Comfort Zone Whistle While you Work Inner Quiet Steady Hand II Piece by Piece Hasty Touch Hasty Touch (Ditto above?) Hasty Touch Hasty Touch (SH2 falls off here if you did not get any goods.) Hasty Touch (Careful Synth II if shitty craftsmanship, or if you are not confident in your ability to finish with three buffed CS2s.) Master's Mend II Comfort Zone Steady Hand II Hasty Touch Hasty Touch Hasty Touch Hasty Touch Hasty Touch Nymeia's Wheel (You need eight or fewer whistle stacks to get +20 DURA) Steady Hand Great Strides Innovation (56 CP - this is your last chance to reclaim.) Ingenuity II (To fish for good/excellent - if you've already got it, defer till after Blessing) Byregot's Blessing Careful Synthesis II (If you've got extra CP, you can use Advanced Synth instead) Careful Synthesis II Careful Synthesis II

This requires 397 CP, so 354 if using HQ Bouillabaise. If you have Muscle Memory, you can use that to start the craft instead of using PbP later and reduce the CP cost by nine.

Pros: - Flexible; allows you to take advantage of whistle stacks if you get a modest number of goods. - Reclaim is possible right up until you use Byregot's. If the craft goes south on you, there's plenty of time to abort. - Lots of actions, so you have good odds of getting the two good procs you require for Nymeia's to restore 20 DUR.

Cons: - Depends heavily on RNG. If you don't get two goods by Nymeia's, you're probably looking at a reclaim. - Multiple hasty touches occur without steady hand. The more ToTs you take, the worse this gets.

I am personally loving this rotation. The flexibility it offers with the new whistle stacks is awesome, and it doesn't feel much more RNG-dependent than older mastercraft rotations. If you meet the minimum CP requirement, you can weave Precise Touches like so:

First good: ToT (20CP ahead) Second good: Precise Touch (follow with satisfaction - now 17CP ahead) Third good: ToT (37CP ahead) Fourth good: Precise Touch (follow with satisfaction - now 34CP ahead) Fifth good: Precise Touch (16CP ahead) Sixth good: ToT (36CP ahead) Seventh good: Precise Touch (18CP ahead) Eighth good: Precise Touch (No net CP gain)

And of course, if you start with 415CP you have the option of using Precise Touch on the first good instead of ToT.

/r/ffxiv Thread