New To Dating, Not Sure What To Do...

Isn't snapchatting more like marketing yourself as a product or starring in your own Viewmaster slide show?

To me, its a safe pool to dip your toe into, and good for you for communicating with a human, but until you hold a guy's hand in the dark walking down the aisle of a movie, or straighten his bowtie before heading out the door to a nice dinner, its a moot situation.

Asking someone in person out kind of takes cojones. They might say no, they might say yes. You just have to be prepared for anything.

1) Find a target. One 24 year old I know borrowed a great dane and went to a dog-friendly coffee shop every other weekend for a month. He struck up conversations with people about the dog, and eventually met someone he was interested in who wanted to go out to dinner.

2) Decide on a venue. Movie, Lunch, Drinks & Discotheque? Rugby? (I like kayaking, that way I know if they are a couch potato from the get go)

3) Offer to pick them up. This shows two things, that you are interested, and that you don't trust them not to flake on you.

4) Expect to pay, or argue over who is paying the first date.

5) Speak plainly (I'm not a virgin but I'm too nervous to go beyond second base on the first date.)

6) Don't pretend you are someone other than you. If they want to date some non-existent image of perfection, you will find out in the first 20 minutes. If there is a lull or silence, don't be afraid to talk about it, ask him a question, or fill the silence with a story about your day, month, childhood, how much you like their "haircut/cologne/shirt"

Its like french kissing, practice, practice practice makes awesome!

/r/askgaybros Thread