New poll shows NDP pulling ahead in Alberta election race

Great comments, but there are plenty of Liberals, WR, PC's and others on Reddit as well. More conservative commenters on here can feel that any comment other than left of center brings out the downvote brigade and are less than motivated to comment.

I'd add that the NDP is big in Edmonton, but rural, not so much. I've been door knocking in my rural riding (which was NDP back for 1 term in the late 80s and has a lot of organized labor activity) and only 1 of about 300 people I've talked to mentioned they were NDP supporters. (not a candidate, just a supporter)

The NDP candidate in my riding is frankly embarrassing. Just an old tired hack, the only person they could get to run. I don't think a younger voter would cast a vote for this candidate. Only Notleys new found star power will help the NDP in my riding. At a recent local candidate forum, the NDP candidate was fully unprepared, did not know the party platform, and seemed lost up against 2 other skilled debaters. People in the audience were snickering every time he talked, many of the people snickering I know as long time union folks. I did ensure that after the debate I shook the hand of the NDP candidate and thanked him for putting his name forward and running. I believe that all voices are important in democracy.

The media is also very sympathetic to Notley and the NDP this time around. If the PCs or WR sneeze, the media treats them like they have whooping cough. Not sure how that will translate into votes across the province, the Edmonton media may be preaching to the converted.

As far as reaching out to people who don't usually vote and are not activists, that's a battle all party's are fighting. My own on the ground experience would lead me to believe that with the arrival of spring and the Flames moving ahead in the playoffs, that only people motivated will be out to vote. Reaction door knocking on a nice sunny warm day last weekend compared to 2 weeks ago was less than enthusiastic.

Not trying to be negative, or burst any internet bubbles, just providing a different perspective.

May 5 will be interesting.

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