A whole ton of questions for people who don't like race mixing

I can't describe it. I grew up in a northeast immigrant city, my family knew who they were and where they came from. always surrounded by whites, it was about where your family came from. it was a few generations later and we still had italian and polish and german neighborhoods.

now i live in the south where i'm a minority, and i just miss being around white people all the time. nothing malicious about it, i'm just proud of my heritage and prefer the company of the kinda people i grew up around.

Now that I'm gotten that out of the way, everyone probably thinks I'm an asshole.

A few more questions worth answering -

How do you treat non white people in real life?

With respect until proven wrong. The world is a flawed, nasty place, and we're all in it together. People possessing certain mannerisms are kept at a distance so to speak, but that's earned through action.

Is it because you think non white heritages are all evil?

I don't think anybody really believes that. It's more that there are some aspects of other cultures that don't mesh with our values, so we would prefer that they not be assimilated.

Are you also homophobic or does it only extend to other races?

Not at all, I fully support gay marriage. On the other hand, I feel as though transgender is a harmful youth trend. I don't want to delve into a long-winded diatribe, but the gist of it is that it's a community that "preys" on alienated, vulnerable people in order to validate its own existence. it seems to be a prevailing theme that teens experiencing puberty are becoming confused by their bodies, and the helpful kind trans community are there to explain that what they're feeling is totally abnormal and they're probably trans. When in reality they need the talk. Or the creepy older ones who have internalized their sexual frustration. It's not even an attack on trans individuals, I just feel like the community is fucked up.

I just want to add, most of my pride in my heritage was inspired by the SJWs' hate for who I am. The more they hate me, the more proud I am.

/r/TiADiscussion Thread